20 Minutes of Action Free
- Genres: Documentary
- Rating IMDb: 0
- Year: 2020
- Duration: 1:15

20 Minutes Of Action brings to life in performance the harrowing victim's impact statement written by the Brock Turner rape survivor known as Emily Doe.
20 Minutes of Action is a non-fiction film that brings to life in performance the harrowing victim's impact statement of Emily Doe, the survivor of the rape committed by Brock Allen Turner on the campus of Stanford University on January 18, 2015. Written in the form of a letter, the 7,244-word statement captivated the Nation and was read throughout the world. Global leaders and celebrities championed the words of Emily Doe after Turner received a lenient, six-month sentence from California Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky. In 20 Minutes of Action, 30 diversified women personify the poignant words of Emily Doe.